Let's talk about PRODUCTION
Elettronica Bazzanese can assemble any PTH or SMD component.
Years of experience
Elettronica Bazzanese strives to be the customer's partner of choice by offering a comprehensive service. The customer's idea or need is developed into a blueprint using trusted collaborators, hardware and software designs are developed on the latest platforms, agreed and modified with the customer and their technical department. Circuit boards are developed by engineering the product as requested by the customer in order to optimise costs.
PTH component
It can be done with a tin wave soldering machine or with a selective soldering machine (when there are SMD components already reflow soldered on the button side) with “lead free” or “tin/lead 63/37%” alloys for customers who require this as a specification.
Satisfied Customers
SMD component assembly
The screen printers used are automatic or semi-automatic type machines with optical control to achieve maximum repeatability of the process initially set. We can assemble almost all the SMD components on the market today, despite the continuous reduction of component containers. “Lead-free” or “tin/lead” solder pastes can also be used for this component technology. In support of SMD assembly, a new BGA rework machine (disassembly and reassembly) and associated RX station is also used to check the correct assembly of BGA components, with a report provided for the customer.